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Fourth day down and one to go!  New Zealand Targa rallies are generally ran in both wet and dry conditions.  It is extremely rare for the entire rally to go completely dry, however last year it did happen!  This year however, the weather has arrived and brought with it some more carnage.

Hopper has officially retired from the rally.  We found out last night that the car may be a total right off.  Initial conversations were that it wasn’t too bad but apparently the car endoed and the coil overs were relocated through the hood!  I’m sure we’ll see Leigh back next year though.  The white Maserati performed some its own air show this morning.  The story is the car went flying off the road completely missing a turn.  According to reports around the rally the driver said they flew a solid thirty feet in the air and the car kept going for about 200 meters down a hill before coming to rest at the bottom of another hill….thanks to the assistance of a tree stump!  Apparently the car isn’t too bad though and may be back in the morning if they can find a new radiator.  Best of luck to them!

Inkster also had a couple of moments today with one or two spins and a slide off the road and into a bank which re-designed the right rear corner of his Mitsubishi.  No worries though as Inkster comes from a gravel rally background where these situations are common place.  The crew pulled out the hydraulic spreaders and bent it back into shape again.  He didn’t miss a single stage and is still running strong.

Today we traveled to the town of Marton which is home of the infamous “cop corner.”  A few years ago a local police officer decided to blow the road closure after the sweep car went through but before the rally cars started.  The story goes that the rally organizers tried stopping him but he informed them of his official position in the region and took off anyways.  He ended up getting his just deserves as he blew through the 90 degree left hander and launched his car into the paddock beyond…Hence the name “cop corner.”

This corner can be tricky in the best conditions but the local council just laid down new tarmac last week.  Apparently the term “laying down new tarmac” in this region means…opening a giant bag of rocks and dragging it from one side of the road to the other!  It was nothing but gravel!  Add to that the wet weather conditions and you can imagine how tricky this corner became!  The drivers ran the stage twice today.  The first time around a Ford escort panel wagon about three cars in decided to park it in the grass/fence.  So all of the upcoming cars had to slow way down to avoid them. (Video Below)

A WRX (drivern by Leigh Hoppers helicopter instructor, not kidding!) performed a perfect job of parallel parking as he slid directly between the Escort and the armco for the single lane bridge.  With the assistance of the all wheel drive in the Subie he was able to get right back on the road and continue on.  The Escort meanwhile had to be pulled out after the stage had closed. (Video Below)

After the cars had gone through the first time we heard a report that Proctor was being towed down the transit stage on the back of a tow rope.  Rumor has it he has blown his transmission…Which is a HIGHLY modified unit.  He missed the repeat of “cops corner” which was the last stage of the day.  Hopefully his team can repair the car and get him back out in the morning.

Steve and Jen are doing a great job of pushing hard and doing their best.  We didn’t get off to a great start with the differential issues we had early in the week and that put us in a hole which has been basically impossible to climb out of.  The team is doing well though and we are coming up with new ideas on how to prepare the car for next year!  The car is running well and we had a nice team dinner tonight to celebrate Jen’s birthday.  These races are a lot about competition and winning but the biggest thing is having fun and bringing the car and drivers home safely.


Last night more footage was added to the video capturing Steve Millen racing the STILLEN GT-R against Leigh Hopper and his helicoper as well!

Footage from local spectators is beginning to hit the web as well, here’s a quick shot of the STILLEN GT-R rounding a corner on Day 1




All 2011 Targa New Zealand Coverage





We are officially past the middle of the week and the car is running very well!  Tonight we swung by a local auto shop to do some simple service work.  Just an oil change, brake pad replacement and general inspection.  Everything looked great and we can’t wait to see how Steve and Jen do the next two days.  Today consisted of a lot of running around and trying to help the service crew and I wasn’t able to get on any stages.  However, i assure you there will be more photos coming in tomorrow.

There’s no lack of support for Steve Millen, as shown by his youngest fan, his grandson Braeden!

There have been quite a few interesting developments over the day.  Quinn was experiencing a damaged oil return line from one of his turbos but that is/was a pretty minor repair.  The car is back in overnight parking now and ready for tomorrow.  Glenn Inkster in the Evo 6 Mitsubishi is still going strong, actually had a bit of an off today on one stage damaging his hood and front bumper.  Nothing too major though as he only lost 15 seconds on the stage!  Rumor is that he actually spun one or two times after that stage and is still able to continue taking time off the leaders!  man, this guy can drive!!!

Leigh Hopper, the guy dad raced in the helicopter yesterday, apparently though he was still in his helicopter…The story is he tried doing a barrel roll on the fifth stage of the day before realizing his car doesn’t fly quite like the chopper…Haven’t seen the car yet but apparently it was on its roof.  Hopper, always in good spirits, was sited on the side of the stage throwing rocks at the Giddy car, good friends of his, as they went by!  Best of luck to team HTR in getting the car back out in the morning.

Overall the car and the team are working well.  Steve and Jen are doing their best and we’re hoping for a good result!

More photos and updates to come tomorrow!

Another angle of yesterday’s GT-R vs. Helicopter drag race


Quick interview with Steve Millen at 3:00 in on the official Targa NZ daily recap


All 2011 Targa New Zealand Coverage


Well we had an eventful day today!!!  I wrote last night’s first blog post from the hotel room prior to everyone else arriving.  Conrad and I got there a bit early so we checked in and started getting things organized for the rest of the teams arrival.  Once Steve and Jen arrived we ran down to the town they were in and went straight over to the local Nissan dealership who were kind enough to offer the use of their facilities so we could go over the car after the first days events.

Steve had lost considerable amounts of time because the car was going into limp mode due to high transmission temperatures.  We wanted to inspect everything and see what was going on.  As soon as we dropped the diff fluid, we knew we had found the culprit.  Inside the diff fluid there were clear signs of metal wear.  The fluid had taken on a metallic shimmer.  We inspected the transmission fluid and it looked fine.  For those of you who don’t know, the GT-R rear differential, transmission, and transfer case all share one big assembly.  So, we figured that the differential was getting so hot it was cooking the transmission as well.  The only thing we could do was pull out our spare assembly and install it.

Normally, if we were in a GT-R certified dealership working with the right tools, this would be a 3-5 hour job.  However, this was not a certified GT-R dealer, and we did not have all the tools!  After a lot of swearing, some busted knuckles, and some frustrating moments, we finished the swap….at 5:15 a.m. this morning!!!  We went back to our hotel rooms, got an hour of sleep and packed up to take on today’s adventures.

That was a lot of work and a real pain but boy was it worth it!!!  Steve was pushing hard today and according to early reports finished second in a couple stages.  Had he been able to push harder yesterday like he did today we would be in a much better position!!!  Unfortunately, we’re a little out of luck as it is what it is, but that’s racing!

Attrition is already showing on some of our competitors cars!  Dodson blew up one of their gear boxes yesterday and was having more issues today, keep in mind their transmissions are HEAVILY modified and far from stock.  Proctor cracked three wheels yesterday and arrived to the parking garage this morning with a brand new set on all four cars!  A couple of cars have gone off but fortunately nothing major and everyone has been able to carry on and make the necessary repairs.

While it was awesome to see Steve and Jen pushing hard today and making big strides, it was even more exciting when Leigh Hopper challenged Steve to a bit of a drag race at this afternoon’s extended stay lunch stop on an airport strip.  Normally these stops are only an hour or so, but to avoid the evening traffic crossing the bridge in Auckland the organizers set up a three hour event at Sunny Hills airport in Warkworth.  Leigh challenged Steve to a drag race in the GT R….against his acrobatics helicopter!!!  It was insane!  Leigh is an amazing pilot and was performing some amazing aerial acrobatics, including sliding his helicopter along the grass for a good 100 feet or so.  They raced twice and Steve won the first time but Hopper took the victory the second go around. Check out the video on-board to see the race!  The GT-R’s ECU has been set with a top speed limiter of 200km/hr, which is the maximum speed allowed in the rally.. Leigh’s helicopter doesn’t have such a limiter!

All in all, it was an awesome day!  However, as you can imagine, I’m exhausted!!!  Enjoy the pictures and video, I’m going to bed!


All 2011 Targa New Zealand Coverage


Today was the first  day of actual racing.  It was a great day and Jen and Steve did a fantastic job.  Their still getting to know each other’s styles and figure out what the other one wants to say as well as hear.  It always takes a bit of time to develop that relationship between driver and co-driver.

Team STILLEN Targa Rally Group Photo Including Steve Millen, Jodi Millen, Jen Horsey, Kyle Millen, Conrad Healy, Joe Nagy, and Mark Ungles

Team STILLEN Targa Rally Group Photo Including Steve Millen, Jodi Millen, Jen Horsey, Kyle Millen, Conrad Healy, Joe Nagy, and Mark Ungles

 The car is running well.  We’re ending the night in Whangarei (“wonG uh ray” or “phonG uh ray” if you say it the Maori way).  We’re very excited to be on new roads this year.  It really helps level the playing field.  When the organizers put these events on they have to get the approval from every single person who lives on the roads we’re going to be racing on.  It takes about five months and they see around 9,000 people.  It’s truly impressive and even more impressive that they were able to branch out to new parts of the country!  Peter Martin and the crew at Targa New Zealand have worked hard to put on the best possible event!

Conrad and I did quite a lot of traveling today and got to see three stages!  Got some great action shots as well as a few “uh oh” moments from some of the competitors.  Steve has been up and down in the standings all day.  The first couple of stages were a bit rocky but later in the day they started making some great times and even beating some of the front runners like Tony Quinn.  It’s still very early in the race though.

Wish us luck and follow along as the rally continues!

Targa New Zealand 2011

Targa New Zealand 2011

Targa New Zealand 2011

Targa New Zealand 2011

Targa New Zealand 2011


All 2011 Targa New Zealand Coverage


Well, we’re back in New Zealand for the Targa Rally.  Today was the first official day of the event and it started with scrutineering in the viaduct in Auckland Harbor.  Last night was pretty exciting as the All Blacks (New Zealand rugby team) won the world cup!  Today was a bit busy in Auckland as they shut down the main streets and had a ticker tape parade for the team.  GO ALL BLACKS!!!!!

Once we got down to the scrutineering location we let Steve and Jen (more on Jen later in this post) do their thing with the organizers of the event.  Mark and Joe (you know them from years past) have to follow up with their crew meeting.  Conrad and I cruised through the park ferme (parking area) to check out some of the competitors cars.  The BS has already started as some of the other GT-R teams are telling us they aren’t running as much power as we know they are….That’s OK…we’re not going to tell them everything we’ve done either!!!

Joe Nagy of Nissan North America tech center joins the team again this year.  This is Joe’s third event with the Team STILLEN Nissan GT-R. He worked with Steve on the initial launch of the GT R at all of the magazine and dealer demonstrations and knows these cars inside and out.  He and I flew into New Zealand on Thursday and spent Thursday and Friday preparing the car.  On Saturday Mark Ungles flew in and joined us while we worked on the tuning and further preparation.  Mark has been with the team since 2006, the first year of the Ford GT.  He brings a lot of knowledge of rallying and great mechanical aptitude.  We spent Saturday and Sunday wrapping up the final adjustments to the car, ride height, tuning (special thanks to Jack at Horsepower Logic) etc.  Overall preparation has been relatively easy.  We added some adjustable rear toe arms as well as changed springs, injectors, and a few other little tweaks.

Jen Horsey is new to the team but not new to racing, especially rally!  Jen has been involved in North American rally racing since 2004.  You may remember her from the X Games in car commentator.  She was also the co-driver in the Evo that decided to do an endo in X Games competition over the jump in 2008…We’ve already told her that she was brought on board for her navigator skills…not acrobatics abilities.

You all know Steve Millen.  Steve is the President and CEO of STILLEN.  Steve was born and raised in New Zealand, competing in rally and hill climb events before progressing into saloon and open wheeled race cars.  After moving to America, racing all over the world, and winning multiple championships Steve still looks forward to coming home every year and competing in the Targa rally.  These events are always a fun time and a great way to see the country and catch up with friends for a week.  Plus it doesn’t hurt to “sight see” at 100+ MPH through back country roads!

Steve’s wife Jodi is kind of the team mom.  Taking care of the service crew as well as making sure Steve and Jen have everything they need.  There is no more important job on the team than making sure the driver and co driver are happy and the service crew is fed and ready at any moment.

Then there is me and Conrad.  I’m Kyle Millen, I’ve been coming on the Targa’s every year since 2006.  I have done some navigator work but after a couple of bad experiences with motion sickness we’ve all agreed I’ll be most useful as the reporter sending updates back to everyone back home!  Conrad Healey has been on every Targa New Zealand Dad has ever done.

We’re ready to go, the car is running great!  Steve and Jen are working on the route books and how they want to call the instructions.  Jodi is getting the crew sorted with everything they need.  I need to get to work to make sure all the cameras and what not are ready.  Check back tomorrow for the first update of actual racing news!  By the way….the first day is allllll new stages!  Needless to say we’re very excited!

Here’s a quick video of the STILLEN GT-R, lots more to come as the Rally begins!


If you missed the previous years coverage, here’s a compilation video of some of the NZ courses from 2010, and links to previous years coverage:


2010 Recap: https://blog.stillen.com/2010/11/targa-new-zealand-rally-2010-recap-and-wrap-up/

2008 Recap: https://blog.stillen.com/2008/11/2008-dunlop-targa-rally-new-zealand-wrap-up/


All 2011 Targa New Zealand Coverage


For over 25 years STILLEN has been recognized as a leader in Nissan/Infiniti tuning. With a history of setting “first time” milestones in the aftermarket for these great vehicles, STILLEN has established themselves as the company to follow when it comes to Nissan and Infiniti product development. STILLEN was the first company to develop the HICAS eliminator system for the 300ZX Z32 platform. When the Z33 350Z was introduced, STILLEN was once again the leader with the first forced induction solution, as well as the first to offer CARB legality, and AGAIN the first with a 3-year/36,000 mile engine warranty.

Well, STILLEN has done it again as Team STILLEN is proud to announce the CARB Exempt Status of the Nissan 370Z (Z34) G37 Supercharger Kit.
STILLEN has not only been the first company to achieve CARB Exemption of a forced induction solution on the VQ37, we have also been the first company to achieve such an accomplishment while tuning through Nissan’s sophisticated ECU with larger injectors. This is a major accomplishment for Team STILLEN and one that will join the many other first time landmarks STILLEN has achieved in the Nissan/Infiniti tuning world.
CARB (California Air Resources Board) is the division of the California state government that controls all aspects of air quality and standards. With standards getting stricter it is getting more and more difficult to achieve CARB legality. CARB is recognized as the toughest emissions control in the country and is therefore recognized in all 50 states as an emissions standard for all performance parts. If a performance part achieves CARB Exempt status, it is recognized by all other states.
The power the STILLEN Supercharger system delivers is dramatic, taking the factory 3.7L V6 from 332hp to over 500hp! The system is designed to work with both automatic and 6-speed vehicles, including convertible and AWD models.
The STILLEN VQ37 Supercharger features a new cast aluminum intake manifold engineered specifically for this kit, complete air-to-water intercooler system, and boost is derived from a Vortech V-3 Supercharger unit. The V-3 features a quiet V-belt design, and a self-contained oiling system for easy maintenance.
In the past year STILLEN has shipped supercharger systems around the world. Fantastic reviews and reports are coming in from:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • Russia
  • Thailand
  • Korea
  • Canada
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • France
  • Unite Arab Emirates
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • United Kingdom

Not to mention all of the kits that have been installed with great success across the United States at Nissan/Infiniti dealerships and performance shops. This is a bolt-on system, capable of being installed by any qualified ASE-certified automotive performance shop, or at hundreds of Nissan and Infiniti dealerships across the country, or right here at STILLEN at our in-house install facility.

Once again, STILLEN has successfully accomplished all of its goals with another great forced induction solution for the Nissan/Infiniti vehicles.

STILLEN 3.7L Supercharger System Features Include:

  • Vortech V-3 Centrifugal Supercharger Unit
  • STILLEN purpose designed cast aluminum intake manifold with long runners for increased torque
  • Installs under the stock hood – No modifications needed
  • Complete system includes pre-assembled Vortech V-3 supercharger assembly, air intake with polished air charge pipe and genuine K&N intake filters, fuel injectors, air-to-water intercooler, UpRev ECU Tuning cable/software and detailed installation instructions.
  • Optional 3-year/36,000 mile powertrain warranty
  • Made in the USA
  • 50 State Legal – CARB EXEMPT (E.O. Number D-436-17)


STILLEN, located in Costa Mesa, CA, is a premier manufacturer and distributor of a select line of high performance products for late model import and domestic vehicles — developed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Founded in 1986 by renowned professional driver and race car builder, Steve Millen, STILLEN incorporates cutting edge race proven technology and advanced aerodynamic designs into the company’s proprietary performance and appearance product lines. Millen is known worldwide for achieving the greatest number of wins in IMSA GT history during the course of an impressive racing career that spans 30 years and numerous wins in series around the globe – from Le Mans to the 24 Hours of Daytona. Still family owned and operated, STILLEN branded products include exhaust systems and components, superchargers, fuel systems and components, brake kits and components, and urethane body styling products. The company’s race heritage and continued participation in motorsports has added special focus on motorsports proven R&D, manufacturing processes and materials, and expert, enthusiast-based customer support, distinguishing STILLEN in the field of performance manufacturers. In addition, STILLEN is an online reseller of many high performance products for late model cars and trucks, import and domestic, and creator of unique, one-of-a-kind performance project vehicles.

STILLEN is proud to announce the availability of the VQ37 supplemental warranty for the STILLEN 500HP Supercharger System!

The VQ37 Supercharger supplemental warranty program is available as a 3-year/36,000 total mile term (whichever occurs first), with liability coverage of up to $8,000.  This coverage warrants engine components (including the STILLEN Supercharger), transmission and rear axle components.  The supplemental warranty is valid in the United States and Canada, has a $0 deductible, and is available for $395.

One of the biggest concerns we hear from our customers is the worry of voiding their warranty with the use of aftermarket parts, and we’ve outlined some information in previous posts regarding this subject, and with the combination of an engine/drivetrain warranty, can give solid piece of mind.

For more information, please contact your STILLEN representative at 866-250-5542.

Last month we brought you the information on the new high end Goodridge Phantom Gstop Brakelines, and as these are arriving soon, we wanted to get the word out, and get these in the hands of our customers, so we’re giving away 2 sets for free!

Simply head over to the STILLEN Facebook page, give us a ‘Like’ and you’ll have access to the entry form on the Sweepstakes tab, just pop in your information and you’ll be entered to win.  We’ll be picking a winner on April 15th, and again on April 30th!

The Phantom Brakelines are new from Goodridge, and are designed to replace the factory rubber brake lines on your car, improving safety, reducing stopping distances and deliver a much better brake pedal feel, just like the popular Goodridge Gstop Brakeline kits.  The Phantom series upgrades the hardware and fittings to stainless steel, features a black coating on the stainless steel lines, a beautiful upgrade, and we couldn’t encourage our customers more to consider upgrading your brake lines if you haven’t already, it’s an inexpensive upgrade that has huge benefits.

Good luck!  You can read the full giveaway rules here.

Keeping an eye to the future includes everything from new vehicles, new products, and even new enthusiasts.  This past Wednesday, December 15th, Steve Millen and the STILLEN crew delivered a modified Nissan Altima to the Coastline ROP Automotive Technology class at Laguna Hills High School.

This car was one of the main display vehicles for Nissan when they released the new model Altima, and was also an R&D project and show car for STILLEN for many years.  The car has been outfitted with a long list of performance modifications, suspension improvements, brake upgrades, aesthetic enhancements by way of a body kit and custom interior.  The car is even sporting a 3 part paint job featuring Lamborghini Orange.

Students get a chance to check out the car and meet and greet with STILLEN.

Laguna Hills High School offers its students a first-rate facility to learn about everything from proper maintenance to performance improvements.  The students at Laguna Hills are guided by their teacher Tim Chambers.  Mr. Chambers has already had the students build a Class 11 VW Beetle and a current ongoing project consists of a Ford Maverick drag car!

We enjoyed our time spent with the students discussing these projects.  It was especially neat to see how excited they were about their work and their enthusiasm in continuing on with modifying vehicles in the future, and being part of the automotive industry.  By giving the students a vehicle with aftermarket parts the goal is to allow them the opportunity to learn how performance parts work and how they can improve their own vehicles safely and legally.

It’s unfortunate that these awesome types of programs are few and far between, and with budget cuts and educational programs being trimmed all the time, we feel it’s vital for all of us to do what we can, and support automotive programs that can attract new young enthusiasts.

List of modifications performed to the Nissan Altima:


  • STILLEN Race Pipe
  • STILLEN Exhaust
  • STILLEN Intake
  • STILLEN Front Strut Brace
  • STILLEN Rear Sway Bar
  • Eibach Pro-Kit Lowering Springs
Body / Aerodynamics
  • STILLEN Front Lip Spoiler
  • STILLEN Side Skirts (Rockers)
  • STILLEN Rear Corners
  • Street Scene Grille Shell and Mesh Grille
  • STILLEN AP Racing 4-Piston Calipers / 13″ Cross-Drilled / Slotted Rotors, Brake Pads, Stainless Steel Brake Lines
  • STILLEN Cross-Drilled Rear Brake Rotors
  • STILLEN Metal Matrix Rear Brake Pads
Wheels / Tires
  • Enkei Forged Wheels 18×8
  • Yokohama Advan Tires 225/45ZR18
  • Classic Soft Trim Custom Leather Front Seats
  • Classic Soft Trim Custom Leather Rear Seats
  • Classic Soft Trim Door Panels
  • Custom Lamborghini 3 Part Orange

The Orange County Register was also on hand for the delivery of the vehicle, and have also done a writeup, as well as took these photos as well.  OCRegister.com – Laguna Hills High auto shop receives car

Photos courtesy of OCRegister.com


The Nissan Juke is the latest mini-crossover to be released, and with it’s unique look, turbocharged and direct-injected 1.6L engine with solid performance numbers (not to mention available in AWD!), it’s no wonder this car is making waves and creating buzz.

UPDATE 3/2011:  We have made a change to the stainless steel tip – Improving the flow with the Juke body, and going with a dual wall slash cut tip.  See below for images installed on the Juke!

The calls were almost immediate from Nissan dealerships across the country inquiring what our plans were, and when STILLEN would have upgrades available for the Juke. We at STILLEN are happy to announce that day is here, beginning with the STILLEN Nissan Juke Exhaust. [Video Below]

The STILLEN Rear Section Exhaust System bolts up quickly, replacing the OEM section, and utilizing the factory hanger locations, making this an easy upgrade for any enthusiast. No welding, fabrication or cutting is required to install.  Performance is fantastic, with the rear section exhaust generating 13HP and 14Lb/Ft at the wheels on the dyno!

The muffler and tips are of polished 304 Stainless Steel for protection against the elements, and offer a stylish appearance. The double-wall polished stainless tip makes cleaning a breeze, and features the STILLEN logo laser etched into the side.

The STILLEN Exhaust brings an aggressive tone to the otherwise noticibly quiet exhaust note of the Juke, but under normal cruising there is no exhaust drone and no audible presence of the exhaust. When the throttle is pushed, the true growl of the Turbo 1.6L MR16DDT engine comes alive.

More information and pricing can be found on the STILLEN Product Page:

Also available for the 2011 Nissan Juke, the STILLEN License Plate Bracket, allowing the use of a front license plate without having to drill into the front fascia, like the factory Nissan bracket does.  More information here: 2011 Nissan Juke No Drilling Front License Plate Bracket Released!